Guy Harvey is coming to MIFA
September 3rd to September 30th
Opening reception September 3rd from 7:00pm to 10:00pm

I am delighted that the Miami International Fine Arts gallery (MIFA) is hosting my first one-man art show in South Florida for several years.

During the lock down period in 2020 I was able to write a new book, Guy Harvey’s Underwater World, for which I specifically painted a number of pieces of original art.
Some of these are very large pieces, eight or ten feet long depicting dramatic predator-prey interactions with large ocean fish including marlin, sharks and tunas. These large, majestic predators demand a large canvas which I use to tell the audience a bit about their natural history. Additionally, I have many other smaller pieces of art in different media, such as ink drawings, watercolor paintings and some in mixed media. There is something for everyone.

The exhibition runs for the month of September. Part of the proceeds will benefit the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation’s research, education and conservation projects in Florida.

Thank you for your support of MIFA and the GHOF,

Guy Harvey

View Guy's Original Art